Caramel Truffles

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Indulge in rich, homemade Caramel Truffles that combine smooth chocolate ganache with a luscious caramel center. This recipe guides you through making the ganache and layering it with caramel to create decadent, melt-in-your-mouth treats. With just a few steps and some essential tools, you'll have gourmet truffles ready to impress. Perfect for special occasions or a sweet treat anytime, these truffles are a delightful blend of creamy chocolate and buttery caramel.
Caramel Truffles

Create Caramel Truffles

Ready to make some decadent Caramel Truffles? Start by gathering these essentials: chopped chocolate, heavy cream, commercial caramel, whipping cream, a candy thermometer, a candy mold, and a pastry bag with a coupler. Follow our step-by-step recipe to melt, mix, and mold your truffles to perfection. With these supplies and our guide, you'll craft delightful treats that are sure to impress!


  • 2 1/2 cups chopped chocolate
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 pound commercial caramel or basic caramel recipe
  • 1/2 cup whipping cream
  • candy thermometer
  • candy mold
  • pastry bag
  • coupler


Melt milk chocolate. Cool to at least 98°. Whip cream until it holds a soft peak. Add whipped cream to the warm chocolate, a little at a time, stirring with a spoon. When all chocolate is added, stir in salt and vanilla. Chill in refrigerator until mixture is firm but not stiff (5-20 minutes). Beat with a spoon only until fluffy. Do not overbeat.
After the truffle mixture has chilled 5-20 minutes, pack mixture into a pastry bag filled with a coupler without the ring. Pipe a layer of caramel in the chocolate-lined candy mold then pipe a layer of truffle on top. Finish piece by covering truffle mixture with chocolate.

Recipe and image taken with permission from Autumn Carpenter's Book, All About Candy Making. All rights reserved.

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