Melt white chocolate. Cool to at least 98°. Whip cream until it holds a soft peak. Add whipped cream to the warm chocolate, a little at a time, stirring with a spoon. When all chocolate is added, stir in salt and vanilla. Chill in refrigerator until mixture is firm but not stiff (5-20 minutes). Beat with a spoon only until fluffy. Do not overbeat.
After the truffle mixture has chilled 5-20 minutes, use a cookie scoop to achieve consistently shaped balls. Chill the scoops in the refrigerator for an hour or two. Remove from refrigerator and roll into balls. Allow truffle balls to crust slightly at room temperature (several hours or overnight). Melt candy coating or melt and temper chocolate. Dip truffle balls into melted chocolate. After truffles are dipped, immediately roll in desiccated coconut.
Recipe and image taken with permission from Autumn Carpenter's Book, All About Candy Making. All rights reserved.