Fruit Dip

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Indulge in a creamy and versatile treat with our Fruit Dip recipe. Combining the rich flavors of Cream Cheese Pastry Filling and the sweetness of Marshmallow Cream, this dip is perfect for pairing with a colorful assortment of fresh fruits.
Fruit Dip

Recipe for Fruit Dip

Whether served as a refreshing snack, a party appetizer, or elegantly filling tart shells topped with fruit, this recipe offers a delightful way to enjoy seasonal produce with a touch of indulgence. Follow along for a simple yet delicious addition to any occasion.


  • 1 cup Cream Cheese Pastry Filling
  • 1 cup Marshmallow Cream
  • Fruit


Mix Cream Cheese Pastry Filling with Marshmallow Cream.
Serve as a dip with fruit.
Also perfect to fill tart shells and top with fruit.

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