Flood cookie with medium brown royal icing, leaving the top "V" section blank. Allow icing to set before piping flaps, flowers and details. Finish cookie by piping small purple ruffles at base of cookie with stiff royal icing and painting top section gold.
Ice cookie with white, flood royal icing. Once icing is set, use various colors of stiff peak royal icing to pipe feather detail. Pipe a line following the center of the cookie and paint gold once icing is set.
Outline two separate sections of cookie with stiff peak, white royal icing. Fill in with flood royal icing. Be sure to leave ¼" section blank to paint gold. Use feather stencil to airbrush cookie. Use gold luster dust with everclear to paint bare cookie section.
Dreamcatcher Plaque:
Flood cookie with white royal icing. Allow icing to set, then use stiff peak, white royal icing to pipe dreamcatcher and colored, stiff peak royal icing to pipe feathers. Once icing is dry, paint dreamcatcher gold with fine tip paint brush.