Peach Ring Frosting

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This Peach Ring Frosting offers a refreshing and unique twist on classic whipped cream. The gelatin in the Peach Rings converts this recipe to a stabilized whipped cream. It's the perfect way to elevate your desserts with a burst of fruity flavor. This recipe was inspired by Passion for Baking's Candy Frosting Recipe- make sure to check out the rest of her blog for tons of great recipes!
Peach Ring Frosting

Peach Ring Flavored Whipped Icing Recipe

Make sure to check out all of our other Albanese Gummies & explore making different flavors of this stabilized whipped cream.



In a saucepan, combine the peach rings & whipping cream. Cook on low heat, stirring frequently, until all the peach rings are melted- do not let the mixture come to a simmer.
peach rings and whipping cream in a saucepanpeach rings melted into whipping cream
Once the Peach Rings have melted completely, add in the citric acid to enhance the fruity flavor. Stir the mixture to ensure the citric acid is fully incorporated.
adding citric acid into whipping cream peach ring mixture
Transfer the mixture to a glass bowl and cover it with plastic wrap, ensuring it touches the surface to prevent a skin from forming.
pouring peach ring mixture into glass bowlcovering peach ring mixture with plastic wrap
Chill the mixture overnight. At this point, the mixture should have firmed up.
peach rings mixture thickened up in bowl
Once chilled, transfer it to a stand mixer and whip on medium speed for about 5 minutes, until stiff peaks form.
peach ring frosting in mixing bowl with stiff peaks
Place the prepared icing into an icing bag fitted with your desired tip. Use it to ice your cake or cupcake to perfection.
frosting cupcake with peach ring frosting
Add a peach ring & edible glitter if desired.
decorating cupcake with peach ring and edible glitter
Serve and enjoy!
peach ring frosting on cupcakes

Peach Ring Frosting Tips

This frosting is stable enough to fill & frost cakes, decorate cupcakes, and more. After 48 hours, the piped frosting on the cupcake appeared the exact same & showed no signs of breaking down. The frosting held up well at room temperature as well, but make sure to keep the frosting refrigerated as it contains dairy.
Yield: will frost approx. 1.5 - 2 dozen cupcakes

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