Dark Chocolate Orange Bonbons

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Indulge your taste buds with these exquisite Dark Chocolate Orange Bonbons, a delightful fusion of rich dark chocolate, a luscious homemade fruit center bursting with zesty orange flavors, and a touch of elegance with diced orange peel and edible glitter. This recipe promises a harmonious balance of sweetness and citrus notes, creating a treat that is not only visually appealing but also irresistibly delicious.
Dark Chocolate Orange Bon Bons

Dark Chocolate Orange Bon Bons Recipe

We love to use chocolate wafers (also known as candy melts and candy coating) in our recipes because they are easy to work with and do not need tempered like real chocolate. Feel free to use real chocolate instead, but make sure you learn how to temper real chocolate before beginning this recipe.



Prepare homemade fruit center using Orange Icing Fruit & Diced Orange Peel. Cover with plastic wrap & set aside.
Melt cocoa dark coating in the microwave-- 30 second intervals work best.
Transfer this melted coating to a tipless bag.
Cut a small opening in the bag & fill each cavity of mold #90-5625. Tap the mold on the counter to remove any air bubbles.
Let this filled mold sit at room temperature for 10 minutes.
Once 10 minutes have passed, flip the mold up side-down over a sheet of parchment paper. This is going to remove any excess chocolate & leave you with a chocolate shell.
Once all excess coating is removed, use a bench scraper to remove coating from the top of the mold.
Let the mold sit for another 10-15 minutes at room temperature.
Once the chocolate shells have set up, use a 1 tablespoon scoop to fill each cavity of the mold with the orange fruit center previously made.
Press the mixture into the mold using your hands.
Use more melted cocoa dark coating to seal each bon bon-- start on the outer edge of each bon bon & work your way towards the center to ensure all parts of the bon bon are sealed.
Use a bench scraper to remove excess coating & smooth the bottoms of each bon bon.
Place the mold into the freezer for 10-15 minutes-- the mold should appear cloudy when it is cold enough.
Invert the mold on parchment to remove all bon bons & clean up the edges using a paring knife.
Top each bon bon with diced orange peel & edible glitter in a dust pump.
Keep bon bons at room temperature for up to 1 month for best results.
Chocolate Molded Orange Fruit Center Bon Bons showing orange candy center
Six Molded Chocolate Orange Bon Bons

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